The Heritage Society is very fortunate to have Theresa Chapeskie to help with these classes. Theresa has been embroidering all of her life, but the Kashubian style was new to her until she visited Kashuby, Poland in 2004. She immediately fell in love with the patterns and carries that love forward to the classes she now coordinates with the young people in our community.
Joining Theresa in her teaching program are Bernice Bleskie, Rose Marie Recoskie, Rose Marie Trader, Eva Kulas, Veronica Bialy, Helene Urbanowicz, Sophia Kosinski, Eva
Kaczkowski, Leokadia Ziemiak, Bronislawa Mazgaj and Joanna Szymanski.
The effort of these wonderful ladies will ensure that the tradition of Kashubian Embroidery will be passed down in future.