Presentation of two complete sets of Kashubian Costumes to the Wilno Heritage Society as Anniversary gifts on August 2, 2008. From left: Thad Kay [on microphone, does
translation. Thad had also given the Society a complete Kashubian male costume several years before] with 150th Anniversary gift givers: Franciszek Kwidzinski, Jerzy Poblocki and Miroslawa Lehman, and
Wilno Heritage Society Directors holding costumes: Larry Serran, Teenie Mask, Ed Chippior and Ursula Jeffrey.
Then in St. Mary's Church hall, Wilno, on August 3, 2008, the eight young people performed a short Kashubian dance number all wearing
Kashubian costumes from the museum collection, generously supplemented by the gifts of two complete sets of costumes, male and female received the day before.