The big Summer event for the Polish Kashub culture in Canada, was the Music Tribute held on August 20 to celebrate the release of two new CDs based on John M. Glofcheskie's 1973
field recordings for the Canadian Museum of Civilization - a two CD set called Songs and Dances from Canada's Oldest Polish Community. See Heritage Store for details on ordering your CD set and also his other music CDs: Folk Music of Canada's Oldest Polish Community,
released also in 2006 under the Museum of Civilization Archives Series. Also John's CD of Polish Hymns from St. Hedwig's Church Choir.
The Music Tribute On August 20, 2006, was also in honour of all the participants of the field study in 1973. [These participants included the following
singers and musicians- many now deceased: Tony Andrecheck, Dorothy Billings, Julia Burchat, Peter Chapeskie, Ted Coulas, Agnes, John and Monica Glofcheskie, August Kuiack, Flora Lazinski, Dominic and
Rose Mask, Ann and John Mintha, Stanley Ostroskie, Joe Peplinskie, Frank Ritza, Michael Rumleskie, Elizabeth Shalla, Rose Stoltz, John Tomchick, Tommy and Elizabeth Yantha, Stella Yeretch, and the
students of Elizabeth Shalla's Polish Class: Michael Glofcheskie, Susan Prince, Donna, Mary and Mary Jane Shalla].