Kaszëbë, Poland
Over the past decade, the Wilno Heritage Society has built strong bridges between the Kashubian Community in Canada’s First Polish Settlement and Kaszëbë, Poland. We are very happy to have our Canadian Emigration Story told so vividly with the Canadian Buildings & Exhibit at Museum in Szymbark, Poland. Click Here for a tour.
Representatives of the Wilno Heritage Society and visitors from Canada’s First Polish Settlement have been warmly welcomed by the communities and people of Kaszëbë, Poland.

Wilno Heritage Society Representatives met with Kashubian Senator
Kazimierz Kleina & other distinguished Members of Parliament
& staff at the Pomeranian Region Office of the
Civic Platform Party, Gdansk, August 17, 2009
See http://www.kazimierzkleina.pl/ [Please note: Google provides a translation tool]
We are very proud of the links that have been made and we would like to share some of them with you. [This section is still under construction. More information to be added.]
For our Polish-speaking visitors to the Wilno Heritage Society website, we now offer the following brochures in Polish:
Historyczne Muzeum & Park Polskich Kaszubów w Kanadzie
(Canada’s Polish Kashub Heritage Park & Museum)
Krzyże na skrzyżowaniach dróg
(Crosses at Crossroads)
Polskie kościoły I cmentarze z okresu osadnictwa pierwszych polskich kaszubów w Kanadzie
(Polish Churches & Cemeteries in Canada’s First Polish Kashub Settlement)
Witômë/Witamy/Welcome w zabytkowym Domu Farmerskim pierwszych osadników z polskich Kaszub
(Welcome/Witômë/Witamy to Canada’s Polish Kashub Heritage Farmhouse)